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Quote of the Week!

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

I so appreciate being able to pray and meditate.

Quiet time to shut out all of the noise. It is amazing

how 15-20 minutes a day can bring you peace.

It's so important to be intentional about prayer and


Every morning before my workout is my time to pray

and meditate. At night before I close my eyes, I pray.

How do you Let It Go? Read this quote again and ask

yourself: " Am I letting it Go"?

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Unknown member
Dec 06, 2022

Peace of mind and health are very important to me so, I excercise, meditate, and take long walks.


Unknown member
Dec 05, 2022

YES, we must let it go. However, it's easier said than done. I often have to vent to a trusting person to get it out. There's something about hearing oneself and getting an affirmation of whether I'm overreacting. Once for me after this is done, time takes over for the infraction to pass to where I no longer have any emotion about it.

Let It Go, is a process. We all have our own methods & time to deal with whatever puts us in an 'off balance' state.

Unknown member
Dec 06, 2022
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I completely agree. It's easier said than done. However, the advice is correct. We should let it go for our own peace of mind.

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